About Us

Welcome to Mila’s Mushroom Wonderland!

Whether I’m foraging in the wild, tending to my home cultivation farm, or experimenting with mushrooms in the kitchen for their incredible culinary and health benefits, my love for these remarkable organisms knows no bounds.

I always dreamed about launching a blog, but like any busy woman, it took me years to finally empower myself to do it.

MushroomSalus (“salus” meaning health in Latin) is not just a blog; it’s a mission to spread mushroom knowledge and experiences far and wide. From identification to cultivation, cooking to health benefits that these amazing organisms have on our lives, we are dedicated to sharing insights, experiences and the sheer joy of exploration.

Through this platform, I aim to unite fellow mushroom enthusiasts. Together, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of mushrooms, uncovering their secrets, and embracing their versatile nature.

Join me on this mushroom-filled journey, and let’s embark on an adventure together! Meet my team of friends helping me and supporting me on this challenging journey:

MushroomSalus Author

Our Team

Tomi Z

Founding Editor

Mila Z

Founding Editor

mushroom growing